
Astro Adapter API


Astro is designed to make it easy to deploy to any cloud provider for SSR (server-side rendering). This ability is provided by adapters, which are integrations. See the SSR guide to learn how to use an existing adapter.

An adapter is a special kind of integration that provides an entrypoint for server-side rendering. An adapter does two things:

  • Implements host-specific APIs for handling requests.
  • Configures the build according to host conventions.

An adapter is an integration and can do anything that an integration can do.

An adapter must call the setAdapter API in the astro:config:done hook like so:

export default function createIntegration() {
return {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
hooks: {
'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter }) => {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
serverEntrypoint: '@matthewp/my-adapter/server.js',
supportedAstroFeatures: {
staticOutput: 'stable'

The object passed into setAdapter is defined as:

interface AstroAdapter {
name: string;
serverEntrypoint?: string;
previewEntrypoint?: string;
exports?: string[];
args?: any;
adapterFeatures?: AstroAdapterFeatures;
supportedAstroFeatures: AstroAdapterFeatureMap;
export interface AstroAdapterFeatures {
* Creates an edge function that will communicate with the Astro middleware.
edgeMiddleware: boolean;
* Determine the type of build output the adapter is intended for. Defaults to `server`;
buildOutput?: 'static' | 'server';
export type AdapterSupportsKind = 'unsupported' | 'stable' | 'experimental' | 'deprecated' | 'limited';
export type AdapterSupportWithMessage = {
support: Exclude<AdapterSupportsKind, 'stable'>;
message: string;
export type AdapterSupport = AdapterSupportsKind | AdapterSupportWithMessage;
export type AstroAdapterFeatureMap = {
* The adapter is able to serve static pages
staticOutput?: AdapterSupport;
* The adapter is able to serve pages that are static or rendered via server
hybridOutput?: AdapterSupport;
* The adapter is able to serve SSR pages
serverOutput?: AdapterSupport;
* The adapter is able to support i18n domains
i18nDomains?: AdapterSupport;
* The adapter is able to support `getSecret` exported from `astro:env/server`
envGetSecret?: AdapterSupport;
* The adapter supports the Sharp image service
sharpImageService?: AdapterSupport;

The properties are:

  • name: A unique name for your adapter, used for logging.
  • serverEntrypoint: The entrypoint for server-side rendering.
  • exports: An array of named exports when used in conjunction with createExports (explained below).
  • adapterFeatures: An object that enables specific features that must be supported by the adapter. These features will change the built output, and the adapter must implement the proper logic to handle the different output.
  • supportedAstroFeatures: A map of Astro built-in features. This allows Astro to determine which features an adapter is unable or unwilling to support so appropriate error messages can be provided.

Astro’s adapter API attempts to work with any type of host, and gives a flexible way to conform to the host APIs.

Some serverless hosts expect you to export a function, such as handler:

export function handler(event, context) {
// ...

With the adapter API you achieve this by implementing createExports in your serverEntrypoint:

import { App } from 'astro/app';
export function createExports(manifest) {
const app = new App(manifest);
const handler = (event, context) => {
// ...
return { handler };

And then in your integration, where you call setAdapter, provide this name in exports:

export default function createIntegration() {
return {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
hooks: {
'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter }) => {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
serverEntrypoint: '@matthewp/my-adapter/server.js',
exports: ['handler'],

Some hosts expect you to start the server yourselves, for example by listening to a port. For these types of hosts, the adapter API allows you to export a start function which will be called when the bundle script is run.

import { App } from 'astro/app';
export function start(manifest) {
const app = new App(manifest);
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
// ...

This module is used for rendering pages that have been prebuilt through astro build. Astro uses the standard Request and Response objects. Hosts that have a different API for request/response should convert to these types in their adapter.

import { App } from 'astro/app';
import http from 'http';
export function start(manifest) {
const app = new App(manifest);
addEventListener('fetch', event => {

The following methods are provided:

Type: (request: Request, options?: RenderOptions) => Promise<Response>

This method calls the Astro page that matches the request, renders it, and returns a Promise to a Response object. This also works for API routes that do not render pages.

const response = await app.render(request);

Type: {addCookieHeader?: boolean; clientAddress?: string; locals?: object; routeData?: RouteData;}

The app.render() method accepts a mandatory request argument, and an optional RenderOptions object for addCookieHeader, clientAddress, locals, and routeData.

Type: boolean
Default: false

Whether or not to automatically add all cookies written by Astro.cookie.set() to the response headers.

When set to true, they will be added to the Set-Cookie header of the response as comma separated key-value pairs. You can use the standard response.headers.getSetCookie() API to read them individually. When set to false(default), the cookies will only be available from App.getSetCookieFromResponse(response).

const response = await app.render(request, { addCookieHeader: true });

Type: string
Default: request[Symbol.for("astro.clientAddress")]

The client IP address that will be made available as Astro.clientAddress in pages, and as ctx.clientAddress in API routes and middleware.

The example below reads the x-forwarded-for header and passes it as clientAddress. This value becomes available to the user as Astro.clientAddress.

const clientAddress = request.headers.get("x-forwarded-for");
const response = await app.render(request, { clientAddress });

Type: object

The context.locals object used to store and access information during the lifecycle of a request.

The example below reads a header named x-private-header, attempts to parse it as an object and pass it to locals, which can then be passed to any middleware function.

const privateHeader = request.headers.get("x-private-header");
let locals = {};
try {
if (privateHeader) {
locals = JSON.parse(privateHeader);
} finally {
const response = await app.render(request, { locals });

Type: RouteData
Default: app.match(request)

Provide a value for integrationRouteData if you already know the route to render. Doing so will bypass the internal call to app.match to determine the route to render.

const routeData = app.match(request);
if (routeData) {
return app.render(request, { routeData });
} else {
/* adapter-specific 404 response */
return new Response(..., { status: 404 });

Type: (request: Request) => RouteData | undefined

This method is used to determine if a request is matched by the Astro app’s routing rules.

if(app.match(request)) {
const response = await app.render(request);

You can usually call app.render(request) without using .match because Astro handles 404s if you provide a 404.astro file. Use app.match(request) if you want to handle 404s in a different way.

Allow installation via astro add

Section titled Allow installation via astro add

The astro add command allows users to easily add integrations and adapters to their project. If you want your adapter to be installable with this tool, add astro-adapter to the keywords field in your package.json:

"name": "example",
"keywords": ["astro-adapter"],

Once you publish your adapter to npm, running astro add example will install your package with any peer dependencies specified in your package.json. We will also instruct users to update their project config manually.

新增於: astro@3.0.0

Astro features are a way for an adapter to tell Astro whether they are able to support a feature, and also the adapter’s level of support.

When using these properties, Astro will:

  • run specific validation;
  • emit contextual to the logs;

These operations are run based on the features supported or not supported, their level of support, and the configuration that the user uses.

The following configuration tells Astro that this adapter has experimental support for the Sharp-powered built-in image service:

export default function createIntegration() {
return {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
hooks: {
'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter }) => {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
serverEntrypoint: '@matthewp/my-adapter/server.js',
supportedAstroFeatures: {
sharpImageService: 'experimental'

If the Sharp image service is used, Astro will log a warning and error to the terminal based on your adapter’s support:

[@matthewp/my-adapter] The feature is experimental and subject to issues or changes.
[@matthewp/my-adapter] The currently selected adapter `@matthewp/my-adapter` is not compatible with the service "Sharp". Your project will NOT be able to build.

A message can additionally be provided to give more context to the user:

export default function createIntegration() {
return {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
hooks: {
'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter }) => {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
serverEntrypoint: '@matthewp/my-adapter/server.js',
supportedAstroFeatures: {
sharpImageService: {
support: 'limited',
message: 'This adapter has limited support for Sharp, certain features may not work as expected.'

A set of features that changes the output of the emitted files. When an adapter opts in to these features, they will get additional information inside specific hooks.

Type: boolean

Defines whether any SSR middleware code will be bundled when built.

When enabled, this prevents middleware code from being bundled and imported by all pages during the build:

export default function createIntegration() {
return {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
hooks: {
'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter }) => {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
serverEntrypoint: '@matthewp/my-adapter/server.js',
adapterFeatures: {
edgeMiddleware: true

Then, consume the hook astro:build:ssr, which will give you a middlewareEntryPoint, an URL to the physical file on the file system.

export default function createIntegration() {
return {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
hooks: {
'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter }) => {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
serverEntrypoint: '@matthewp/my-adapter/server.js',
adapterFeatures: {
edgeMiddleware: true
'astro:build:ssr': ({ middlewareEntryPoint }) => {
// remember to check if this property exits, it will be `undefined` if the adapter doesn't opt in to the feature
if (middlewareEntryPoint) {
function createEdgeMiddleware(middlewareEntryPoint) {
// emit a new physical file using your bundler

Type: AdapterSupportsKind

This is a feature to allow your adapter to retrieve secrets configured by users in env.schema.

Enable the feature by passing any valid AdapterSupportsKind value to the adapter:

export default function createIntegration() {
return {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
hooks: {
'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter }) => {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
serverEntrypoint: '@matthewp/my-adapter/server.js',
adapterFeatures: {
envGetSecret: 'stable'

The astro/env/setup module allows you to provide an implementation for getSecret(). In your server entrypoint, call setGetEnv() as soon as possible:

import { App } from 'astro/app';
import { setGetEnv } from "astro/env/setup"
setGetEnv((key) => process.env[key])
export function createExports(manifest) {
const app = new App(manifest);
const handler = (event, context) => {
// ...
return { handler };

If you support secrets, be sure to call setGetEnv() before getSecret() when your environment variables are tied to the request:

import type { SSRManifest } from 'astro';
import { App } from 'astro/app';
import { setGetEnv } from 'astro/env/setup';
import { createGetEnv } from '../utils/env.js';
type Env = {
[key: string]: unknown;
export function createExports(manifest: SSRManifest) {
const app = new App(manifest);
const fetch = async (request: Request, env: Env) => {
const response = await app.render(request);
return response;
return { default: { fetch } };

Type: 'static' | 'server'

新增於: astro@5.0.0 Beta

This property allows you to force a specific output shape for the build. This can be useful for adapters that only work with a specific output type, for instance, your adapter might expect a static website, but uses an adapter to create host-specific files. Defaults to server if not specified.

export default function createIntegration() {
return {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
hooks: {
'astro:config:done': ({ setAdapter }) => {
name: '@matthewp/my-adapter',
serverEntrypoint: '@matthewp/my-adapter/server.js',
adapterFeatures: {
buildOutput: 'static'

